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    10 April 2023
    David Kell

    April 2023 Meeting

    Back to the St Leonards for our April meeting, our final pub meeting before our outdoor Wednesday evening meetings start in... Read More


    17 March 2023
    David Kell

    March 2023 Meeting

    For our March meeting, we returned to the Empress and had a convivial and enjoyable evening of beer and conversation... Read More


    3 February 2023
    David Kell

    February 2023 Meeting

    Our February meeting at the St. Leonards Hotel turned out to be rather shorter than planned !   We were aware in advance... Read More


    6 January 2023
    David Kell

    January 2023 Meeting

    For our first meeting of 2023, on January 4th, we returned to the Empress of Blandings at the eastern end of our patch.... Read More


    17 October 2022
    David Kell

    October 2022 Meeting

    For our October meeting, we returned to the St Leonards Hotel for Peter Smart and Ian Brookfield’s “Parts in a Bag”... Read More


    8 August 2022
    David Kell

    August 2022 Meeting

    We held a really enjoyable Wessex BBQ and skittles evening on August 3rd.  Many thanks again to Joanne and Ian Brookfield... Read More


    7 August 2022
    David Kell

    Giro di Purbeck

    On Sunday, July 31st we held a “Giro di Purbeck” driving day, organised by Stephen and Ruth Paddock.  After... Read More


    7 July 2022
    David Kell

    July 2022 Meeting

    Our July meeting was our annual Show and Shine fun concours competition.  The event was again held at the Langton Arms... Read More


    1 June 2022
    David Kell

    South West Alfa Day

    A number of Wessex members made the trip down into Somerset for South West Alfa Day on May 22nd.  Forde Abbey proved... Read More


    5 May 2022
    David Kell

    May 2022 Meeting

    Another convoy run and pub visit for our May meeting.  This time we did a tour of the Lower Test valley, taking in the... Read More


    7 April 2022
    David Kell

    April 2022 Meeting

    For our April meeting we had a convoy run and pub visit.  This was organised by David and Tracey.  A impressive... Read More


    4 March 2022
    David Kell

    March 2022 Meeting

    Back to the Empress of Blandings at the eastern end of our patch for our March pub meeting. A great turn out with new... Read More


    4 February 2022
    David Kell

    February 2022 Meeting

    In February, we returned to our long time watering hole, the St Leonards Hotel, for the first time in two years, our last... Read More