Silverstone Classic 2019

Friday 26th to Sunday 28th July 2019
AROC will have an infield display area at the SIlverstone Classic 2019.
To book tickets please click here and quote the AROC code which is available on the Club forum or by contacting Club Manager, Nick Wright
The table below explains the car club display package prices that are uniquely available to
our car club members.
The package includes two adult general admission tickets (one for the driver and one for the
passenger) and one infield vehicle display pass for our allocated club display area.
The package can only be purchased by a club member using the unique booking code
dedicated to each individual car club.
There are three pricing periods for car club display package sales with the last pricing period
ending on 31st May 2019 giving the Car Club Team sufficient time to plan the layout of the
infield and provide detailed information prior to arrival onsite, including club infield display area location and entrance route to venue.
There is no extra booking fee on top of the package prices shown in the below table but a
transaction fee will be applicable per order (not per package).
Super Early Bird until 31/12/18
3 day weekend £99
2 day Fri/Sat £82
2 day Sat/Sun £94
Friday £43
Saturday £72
Sunday £60
Early Bird 01/01/19 to 31/03/19
3 day weekend £102
2 day Fri/Sat £92
2 day Sat/Sun £101
Friday £45
Saturday £75
Sunday £62
Standard package 01/04/19 to 31/05/19
3 day weekend £120
2 day Fri/Sat £102
2 day Sat/Sun £112
Friday £52
Saturday £79
Sunday £67