January Monthly Meet 2020

Hello All
I hope you all had a great Christmas and a happy New Year!
Here’s hoping this mild weather continues and is still around for our monthly meets this winter; it makes the drive a whole lot easier! Dates and details below.
New Years day saw 9 hardy souls (and a dog!) make it to Aldeburgh for fish and chips. Sadly I was defeated by a Jeroboam of Rioja brought by a guest on New Year’s Eve and was unable to attend! Photo of some of those that did below;
We have been invited to join in on the Ipswich to Felixstowe Historic Run, I know some of you do already, it seems it sells out quickly so time is off the essence! See details at the bottom.
January Monthly ,Thursday the 23rd January 7pm onwards The Four Horseshoes, , Wickham Rd, Eye, Suffolk, IP23 8HD Our ever popular traditional first monthly meet of the year.
February Monthly Meet, Tuesday 25th February, 7pm onwards, The Plough, Green End, Fen Ditton, Cambs, CB5 8SX another popular venue with the section, especially with those west country section members!
April, TBA, Watch this space!!
The Ipswich-Felixstowe historic vehicle run, which is an annual event run in early May. Is open to all vehicles registered on or before 30 April 1990. It costs £17, which goes to a good cause. They would love to see more AROC EA members there this year for its’ 50th event, if any of you are interested.
Entry is via the form linked to here: http://www.ipswichtransportmuseum.co.uk/. Deadline is 31 March, but best to enter ASAP as its popular and fills quickly.
I look forward to kicking off the 2020 season of AROC EA meets at The Four Horseshoes at the end of the month, see you in the Ghost Room!