AROC Racing at Mallory 2013

The very crowded AROC Club calendar in 2013 has not made it possible to commit to all the various dates and venues offered to us in 2013 for the proposed race series. However, almost all the competitors who replied to the Club liked the idea of racing at Mallory Park in early August so the Club is delighted to announce that in 2013 we are going ahead with the Mallory weekend again for the third year. The main race date will be Sunday 4th August, with qualifying and two races on that day.
We have all sorts of other ideas to make the Sunday a good day out for the whole family too so we hope that spectators and racers alike will come along to support the Club. The aim is for Mallory to be an annual event in the calendar with ever more involvement and interest for all club members.
So please put Sunday 4th August in your diary, further details of the day to follow.
If you are interested in competing, please contact Sally Langley at or for general enquires please contact Club Manager Nick Wright