MiTo Register

MiTo Register: Home Useful Info Parts
Registrar: Owen Reeve & Reeve Taylor


The Alfa Romeo Owners Club UK includes a very active MiTo Register, where members can meet virtually online and, of course, in the real world at our incredible AROC events along with MiTo-only events.

As part of the Alfa Romeo Owners Club UK, we benefit from all the membership advantages including our bi-monthly magazine, Alfa Romeo Driver, our local Sections, Model Registers and, of course, over 300 events nationwide including the biggest Alfa Romeo events such as Spring Alfa Day, National Alfa Day and MITCAR.

The MiTo Register has a diverse membership of all ages, and the MiTo is a fabulous Alfa Romeo with all the fun and heritage you would expect of a sporting Alfa.

We have lots of information that help MiTo owners and potential buyers in our Useful Info and Parts sections below.

MiTo part numbers and lists by model year
MiTo info, how-to guides, manuals and brochures
3D MiTos in all colours

MiTo Buyers Guide

An honest and detailed buyers guide video on the Alfa Romeo MiTo from our MiTo Register, giving details of everything you need to know about the MiTo and what to look out for when buying and owning.

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