Surrey Section Fun Concours 2020

Our annual Fun Concours is traditionally our best attended Section meeting. AROC kindly hosted a ‘virtual’ event for us on 20th July as Covid-19 restrictions prevented us from staging this at our usual venue. Members were invited to submit entries in advance with recent photos of their car against a list of pre-determined categories. Winners in four of the six categories were judged in advance by the Committee; winners of the remaining two categories were by popular vote on the evening.
The attached presentation shows all the entries received and was used as the basis of the meeting. All entrants present were invited to tell us a bit about their cars or for Category 5 the unusual feature that they had highlighted.
Congratulations to the winners:
Pre-1980 car: Adam Hooper – 1971 1750GTV
1980-2000 car: Peter Osborne – 1991 Series 4 Spider
Post-2000 car: Mike Bennett – 2008 Spider 3.2V6 4WD
Interior: Alex Goldbloom – 1988 Series 3 Spider
Unusual feature: Adam Hooper – cigarette lighter
Popular vote: John Roberts – 1975 Montreal
We hope that you enjoyed the evening.
Stay safe!