Southern Alfa Day – Tickets On Sale Now

Sunday September 7th, Osterley Park & House, Middlesex
Tickets on sale now by clicking here
The 2nd annual Southern Alfa Day will take place at the beautiful National Trust Osterley Park & House country estate, with easy to access just off the M4 in West London. We will have a separate access route to the site, dedicated parking on the lawns in front of the house, and an informal concours. Gates open: 10:00. Tickets £9.00 per car for all AROC members – note there will additional NT charges to enter the House and Gardens – these are free to NT members of course. The NT expect to have new attractions so even if you have visited recently, there should be something new to see. Non members are welcome along at £10 per car in advance or £12 on the gate.
Access route to the site will be via Osterley Lane, from the A4127 in Norwood Green (satnav UB2 4LB and follow the lane all the way to the end). There will be signs from the A4 via the A3002 Heston Road, and we have been requested by the NT to direct anyone arriving at the main gate to the correct entrance, so please help us by taking the route described above.
The event is organised this year by the Thames Valley Section and also facebook Osterley Park has easy access from the M25 and so we hope to see lots of interesting cars from all over the south-east, including London, Herts/S.Beds, Sussex, Goodwood and other sections.
Tickets are on sale now by clicking here
Any questions, please contact Nick Wright