October Newsletter

From the Club Manager.
Dear Member,
I am pleased to advise that the Board have decided to hold a big weekend event to celebrate the Club’s 50th anniversary.
We have booked Rockingham International Raceway for Saturday 10th May followed by Boughton House on Sunday 11th May. Both these venues have something special to offer us and located just 20 minutes apart, will offer us a great variety of activities including something on the Saturday night.
More details to follow, but in the meantime please put these dates in your diary and come along to help celebrate this special year for your Club. Remember the dates!.
Club Shop
With just two months to go until Christmas, don’t forget the Club Shop has some new items in stock to help you with your festive shopping; with more merchandise coming shortly, including 50th anniversary specials. Visit www.arocshop.co.uk
We asked CKI’s Nick Day to let members know how the club’s insurance scheme (branded AROC Insurance) is going. Here’s what he had to say:
“You’d be forgiven for thinking, with some providers offering exceptionally low (some might say suicidal) rates out there, that AROC Insurance might be less able to compete. Actually, the opposite is true.
Under the scheme we’re currently signing-up 60% (3 in every 5) of the quotes offered to AROC members. There won’t be many providers who are able to claim that positive statistic. So thank you for supporting us and at least including us in your quote gathering.
But it’s not just new customers who are seeing the benefits. No-one will keep 100% of their customers at renewal and actually many providers don’t seem bothered about building a long-term relationship – last year’s cheap rate gets clawed back in an inflated renewal premium. Maybe I’m old-fashioned then if I get excited when we can show a high percentage of repeat business. With a retention rate of 81% this year I’ve been getting excited quite a lot!
There are multi-car discounts available and we’ve already helped a number of the club’s members to save money by switching their family fleet away from the TV advertisers. Members are also entitled to loyalty discounts of up to £50 when they bring their home insurance to us and £20 OFF their own renewal for every friend or family member they recommend to us and who goes ahead with cover.
In addition to great rates and discounts we offer the all-important service and support you need – as one board member found out recently when he had the misfortune of a claim on his classic Spider and we were able to apply our expertise in negotiating that the vehicle be repaired to the highest standard and using bespoke, Traditional methods.
Go on – give the club scheme a go when you’re looking around for Car Insurance, Breakdown Cover, GAP Cover or Home Insurance. The club gets a share of every premium too which helps to offset costs and means that extra membership benefits can be offered and subs kept low.
We’re frequently on the club forum so please pop on and say hello – we’re there to answer any and all insurance queries. And if it’s a quote that you’re after please use the AROC Quoteline: 0800 008 6687 (or 01424 205079 for mobiles).”
That’s it for now. As ever, if you have any questions please do get in contact with me via manager@aroc-uk.com or call 07753 857029.
Nick Wright,
Club Manager