October News Letter

Hi All
I trust you are well.
Firstly, note venue change for the lunch/AGM on the 20th November! If you intend to come, please let me know asap also with your food choices, menu attached and link below.
A few notes about the Cambridge Drive
About a dozen cars met up at Caxton Gibbet ready for a coffee a natter and a bit of car admiring, we even managed to draw in a Giulia QV who happened to be passing , hopefully Chris is now a signed up member! We then set off on the drive. Now, Malcom had checked the route the night before and all well withy no scheduled road closure. Sadly a closed road had sprung up first thing! Some followed the detour and picked up the route again at the other end, some used local knowledge, some headed straight to Anglesey Abbey and some have not been seen since!! Still for those of us that got to the Abbey can all agree don’t go on a sunny Sunday! The place was rammed, though we did find our own large grass meadow to park in! Food ques were 25minutes long, but the building itself is an impressive pile! Images below;
Coming Up!
Tuesday 25th October, Monthly Meet, 7pm, The Plough, Green End, Fen Ditton, Cambridge CB5 8SX Pie a pint and good natter. A regular haunt for those in the west of the section.
Sunday 20th November, 12.30 for 1pm for Sunday Lunch & AGM, The Old Ram Coaching Inn Ipswich Road, Tivetshall St Mary, Norfolk, NR15 2DE Please let me know if you intend to attend!
Saturday 3rd December 7pm Christmas Meal, The Old Kings Head, Brockdish, Norfolk, IP21 4JY Please let me know if you intend to attend!
I hope to see you all soon.
Best wishes
Graham Simper, AROC East Anglia Section Secretary