New AROC LifeSafe Partnership

We are delighted to announce a new partnership with LifeSafe, enabling AROC members to receive 10% discount on all life-saving products!
The Lifesafe range of StaySafe 5-in-1 fire extinguishers are lightweight, recyclable and non-toxic and confirmed to extinguish 5 types of fire: electrical, textiles, paper/card, cooking oil and petrol/diesel. They fit in your glovebox, your kitchen, your caravan and your workshop. Perfect for the DIY’er and give peace of mind wherever you need it.
The unique bottle design ensures the multi angle spraying, including upside down with no loss of pressure or flow rate. Simple, easy to use requiring no maintenance or servicing.
You can find more information and buy the LifeSafe products HERE
But you will find our unique Members discount code in our Forum HERE (you will need to login with your registered email address and password).
You can see all of our discount partnerships in one place HERE without logging in, so in future you can remind yourself of some of the fabulous benefits that your membership gives you.