National Alfa Day weekend, June 26-27th

30 June 2021

A good turn out of Wessex members attended National Alfa Day at Bicester Heritage on Sunday, June 27th.

A number of us made a weekend of it by meeting on the Saturday morning for a nine car convoy run to Waddesdon Manor, a National trust property near Bicester.  The afternoon was spent visiting the house and grounds and probably NOT buying the eye wateringly expensive wine in the shop !  After a convivial dinner, the night was spent at a hotel in Buckingham which allowed an early start and early arrival at NAD.  Unfortunately, the weather was not good on the Sunday but this did not spoil what was an excellent event, possibly the biggest AROC event ever with 1800 people and 1150 Alfas present.  There are loads of pictures and a video on the AROC website here :

 A big thank you to everyone who came on the weekend trip and, in particular, to Stephen and Ruth Paddock, who helped recce the convoy route and led part of the convoy on the day.

The picture above shows our cars lined up in the Waddesdon Manor car park after our convoy run.

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