June Monthly Newsletter

Hi All.
I hope you are well.
Sadly, I got an email from Claire a few days ago to say that Vernon had passed away, his humour and cheeky grin will be missed. On behalf of the club and section we send our condolences to Claire and the family. Claire hopes to come along to meets in the 939 Spider as soon as she is able.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t make the Norfolk drive, the two staff who could have covered my Saturday both went down with Covid, but I gather it proved to be a great success, with a good selection of cars and new faces meeting at Old Buckenham, before a shortish Malcolm Tulip road book to Banham Zoo. I am reliably informed all members made it out alive and none were retained to join the exhibits!
Sunday 26th June, Sizewell Vintage & Classic Vehicle Show, Sizewell Sports & Social Club, King Georges Avenue, Leiston IP16 4JX, they don’t do dedicated club parking but with a start time of 11am its quite relaxed, plus being only £1 person its good value. Usual amenities, Hog Roast, music, bar, stalls etc. I suggest an 11.15 ETA so we can me as close together as possible.
COMING UP, spaces still available for all events.
If you are coming to any of the following events do let me know as I will need to know numbers in advance to issue wristbands, spaces etc
Sunday July 10th 9th Gear 9am with the South Mids. Section, this year we are meeting up at the section favourite Kimbolton Country Fayre, Kimbolton Castle, Huntingdon, PE28 2AZ
Sunday 17th July The Big Italian Car and Bike Show, 12noon-5pm The Ox and Plough, The Green, Old Buckenham, Norfolk, NR17 1R N
Sunday 7th August Helmingham Hall Festival of Classic and Sports Cars 2022 Helmingham is simple, I have booked a stand for 30 cars, £10’s to me in advance to save a spot, more details will of course follow. PS I don’t get to keep the tenners they all go to Helmingham as I have to pay up front in advance! Please remember, as the event is open to the public, their public liability insurance restricts any car movements off the club stands between 10am and 4pm. https://www.helmingham.com/events/the-festival-of-classic-sports-cars/
If you’ve not been before see the video below;
Sunday August 21st Suffolk Drive 8.30/9am meet at Walkers Snacks A1065 Barton Mills, Bury St Edmunds IP28 6AE then a drive via one of Malcolm’s devious and infamous Tulip road books to arrive at West Stow Anglo-Saxon Village and Country Park Icklingham Rd, Bury Saint Edmunds IP28 6HG for a visit back to an earlier time! Perhaps a panini in the café and a walk round the park!
Sunday 4th September Classics at Glemham 2022, Glemham is a bit different this year, you have to pay via the website and then download and print your tickets to display on your windscreen coming in. There will be two entrances, your ticket colour (see later) will dictate the directions and entrances you use. There have already been some problems with incorrect ticket booking. Please remember, like Helmingham, as the event is open to the public, their public liability insurance restricts any car movements off the club stands between 10am and 4pm
Open the website https://classicsglemham.org.uk/ and scroll down to the 2022 Show Tickets are now on sale and click the Get Tickets link, If you want to be on the CLUB STAND rather than in general classics parking use the top option Exhibitor Pass/ Car Club Member and book the top option for a car, driver and one passenger for £5.00 for additional passengers its £6 for each. It seems members of other car clubs have been getting it all wrong!! Fill in all the details and right at the bottom in Club Name, put Alfa Romeo Owners Club. If you get it right, you will be emailed a RED ticket. I am sure you will be fine, its them others!!!
I hope to see you all soon.
Best wishes
Graham Simper, AROC East Anglia Section Secretary