July Monthly Newsletter

Hi All.
The news letter is a day or two late as I had a birthday on my usual send day, not a significant one mind, and I am too young for them all to be significant!
I hope you are all well. We had a jolly Zoom meeting last month with Peter C definitely the star turn!
We have also had a Section Secretaries Zoom meeting and a less controversial PirelIi Zoom meeting with another on to come, as per the main AROC facebook page.
JULY MONTHLY ZOOM MEETING , Wednesday July 22nd 7.30pm. I have arranged to use the AROC Zoom membership, so no need to let me know, just click the link from Nick Wright the Club Manager and join in the mayhem! Up to 1000 can participate!
Zoom Meeting link below;
Meeting ID: 897 3564 3929
Password: 893063
CANCELLED August, Helmingham Hall Classic & Sports Cars, Sunday 2nd August, 9.00am-4pm Helmingham Hall, Helmingham Stowmarket, IP14 6EF
STILL ON! POSSIBLY! Suffolk Drive Sunday 23rd August Start: Park Road Car Park, Diss, IP22 4NJ. Finish; Dunwich Beach Car Park, Dunwich, Suffolk IP17 3EN Times to be confirmed.
Sadly it seems our August drive may bite the bullet as only groups or 6 are allowed under current Government guidelines, lots of groups of 6 are not allowed. The club management have understandably taken a view that flouting these regulations ,may leave us open to criticism and even possible legal action. If the government reduces lockdown further things may of course change. Hopefully! Which sinse first writing this looks more likely we will go ahead!
STILL ON! AT PRESENT! September, Classics at Glemham, Sunday 6th September, 10.30am-4pm Glemham Hall, Little Glemham, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP13 0BT
If I’m honest with the current Government ban on gatherings of more than 30 people this may also struggle to go ahead.
I have had a request from a previous owner of JJO 922W as to its whereabouts. It is still taxed and MOT’d, but when he sold it over a decade ago the buyer promised to keep in touch but he has heard nothing sinse, any leads greatly appreciated. He thinks the buyer was from Bedfordshire. Image attached.
Look after yourselves and try and stay safe.
I look forward to seeing you soon.