July Monthly Newsletter Follow up!

Hi Everyone
I trust you are all well.
Kimbolton was hot! It was also a squeeze, as the parking space allocated was a bit on the intimate side! Not helped by the Saab and Merc clubs getting up close and personal. Still it was a good day and we managed to drive straight out with only the one grounding on a speed bump!
July is a busy month, see below, note date change for the Bunbury Arms monthly Meet!
Saturday 16th July, HRDC Classic Alfa Challenge is at Snetterton, if you’re into Nord engined cars or racing in general, it’s the place to be!
Sunday 17th July The Big Italian Car and Bike Show, 12noon-5pm The Ox and Plough, The Green, Old Buckenham, Norfolk, NR17 1RN Free entry, just turn up, park up, chat, if that’s what you fancy!
Tuesday 26th July Monthly Meet, from 7pm The Bunbury Arms, Ixworth Road, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP31 2NX Its been a while since we had an evening meet but as the weather is so good!! Note day change from Monday 25th to Tuesday 26th, they’re shut on a Monday!
ENTRIES CLOSED Sunday 7th August Helmingham Hall Festival of Classic and Sports Cars 2022 Helmingham is simple, I have booked a stand for 30 cars, £10’s to me in advance to save a spot, more details will of course follow. PS I don’t get to keep the tenners they all go to Helmingham as I have to pay up front in advance! Please remember, as the event is open to the public, their public liability insurance restricts any car movements off the club stands between 10am and 4pm. https://www.helmingham.com/events/the-festival-of-classic-sports-cars/
If you’ve not been before see the video below;
Sunday August 21st Suffolk Drive 8.30/9am meet at Walkers Snacks A1065 Barton Mills, Bury St Edmunds IP28 6AE then a drive via one of Malcolm’s devious and infamous Tulip road books to arrive at West Stow Anglo-Saxon Village and Country Park Icklingham Rd, Bury Saint Edmunds IP28 6HG for a visit back to an earlier time! Perhaps a panini in the café and a walk round the park!
Sunday 4th September Classics at Glemham 2022, Glemham is a bit different this year, you have to pay via the website and then download and print your tickets to display on your windscreen coming in. There will be two entrances, your ticket colour (see later) will dictate the directions and entrances you use. There have already been some problems with incorrect ticket booking. Please remember, like Helmingham, as the event is open to the public, their public liability insurance restricts any car movements off the club stands between 10am and 4pm
Open the website https://classicsglemham.org.uk/ and scroll down to the 2022 Show Tickets are now on sale and click the Get Tickets link, If you want to be on the CLUB STAND rather than in general classics parking use the top option Exhibitor Pass/ Car Club Member and book the top option for a car, driver and one passenger for £5.00 for additional passengers its £6 for each. It seems members of other car clubs have been getting it all wrong!! Fill in all the details and right at the bottom in Club Name, put Alfa Romeo Owners Club. If you get it right, you will be emailed a RED ticket. I am sure you will be fine, its them others!!!
I hope to see you all soon.
Best wishes
Graham Simper, AROC East Anglia Section Secretary