July 2013 Newsletter

From the Club Manager
Dear Member,
Whilst we are all eagerly awaiting the August edition of the AROC Driver magazine, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of some exciting forthcoming events.
AROC Racing at Autoglym Classic Festival
Firstly on 4th August we have AROC racing as a part of the Classic Festival at Mallory Park. As I write we have a grid of over 20 cars for each of the races which is really good news and looks like it will again be an exciting day of racing. Why not come along and support the drivers on the Sunday, in addition to a whole day of classic racing there will be a Club parking area, lunchtime track parade and a display by AR main dealer Chris Variava of Nottingham, who have kindly sponsored the day. Members can buy discounted tickets online at www.aroc-uk.com or email manager@aroc-uk.com for details. At just £13- per person they give great value for the day. The entry list is as follows:
The weekend after, Sunday 11th August, will see National Alfa Day at the Historic Dockyard at Chatham in Kent. This is a fantastic venue suitable for all the family, not only a chance to meet up with fellow Alfisti, view the vast array of Alfas and concours vehicles on display, but also visit the various attractions the Historic Dockyard has to offer. As with Mallory, members only can buy discounted tickets at just £8.50 per person online at www.aroc-uk.com. We will be operating a separate entry lane for members with pre bought tickets so it really is worthwhile buying in advance.
Next, on to Sunday August 18th Midlands Italian Car Day is back in the north of the region for its 13th year. The venue is the lovely National Trust parkland of Hardwick Hall, just 2 miles from Junction 29 of the M1 and well served with brown signs for directions. We will have exclusive use of a prime site adjacent to the newly refurbished Stable Yard with restaurant and other visitor facilities and enjoying a view of the Elizabethan Hall through the trees. MITCAR will open at 10.30am and stewards will be on hand to park the cars by marque. The entrance fee will again be a modest £5 per Italian Car confirming a commitment to give best possible value. This will entitle all attendees to free entrance to the gardens and grounds and concessionary rate to visit the hall. (Free to NT members.) MITCAR is organised by the AROC East Midlands Section so please do come along and show them your support.
Vacancy for AROC Magazine Editor
Finally for now, you may have read in the last magazine that Peter Edwards has stepped down from the position of magazine editor and we are currently inviting application for a replacement.
Applicants must have excellent people skills, communication skills and planning and organisational skills. Applicants must also have a natural ability to build rapport with members of the Board and with members of the club. A flexible approach is required and continuous improvement of the magazine expected. The successful applicant will be required to :-
· Edit six issues of the club magazine per annum
· Ensure that major club events are properly reported
· Understand and comply with Lavenham’s production processes and schedules
· Prepare proposals for the development of the magazine for consideration by the Board’s magazine working group and work with the Board’s magazine working group in reviewing and developing the magazine
An attractive remuneration package, commensurate with experience, is on offer.
Applicants should forward their CV together with a supporting statement, outlining what the applicant would bring to the role and highlighting relevant experience, By post to Nick Wright, Club Manager, Alfa Romeo Owners Club Ltd., 8 Ickworth Court, Felixstowe, Suffolk, IP11 2XL or email to manager@aroc-uk.com.
The closing date for applications is Friday 30 August 2013.
That’s it for now. As ever, if you have any questions please do get in contact with me via manager@aroc-uk.com or call 07753 857029.
Nick Wright,
Club Manager