February Newsletter

Hello Everyone.
I hope you are well and getting jabbed as soon as you can!
Firstly thank you Nick for his talk on his trips to the Abu Dhabi f1 Grand Prix’s, and the trials of getting a pit pass that ended up in him having lunch with Antonio and Kimi, and for admitting the pro driver was right on a track session and that he wasn’t going to make it round the last corner at that speed even in Giulia QV!!
Who knew Abu Dhabi translates as, ‘Father of the Gazelle
Now we have Phil giving his talk on ballistics in February, so who’s up for doing one in March? No need to be automotive, any subject that you might think the section would find interesting, volunteer now!!
Wednesday 24th February 7.30pm ‘Lies, Damn Lies and Ballistics’ A PowerPoint presentation and talk by Phil Gotts on his life in the ballistics industry, if ever a talk should go with a bang!
Zoom details below, full Zoom meeting details at the end of the of the page;
Wednesday 24th March 7.30pm Zoom Meeting If anyone is interested in giving a talk on any subject of interest do let me know! It doesn’t have to be car related, photography, my life as a Royal Bodyguard… anything you think might appeal!
UPDATE! We have a volunteer to give a presentation of his Alfa History, Car Tours, Scottish drives and scenery, and more TBC
Sunday 27th June National Alfa Day Bicester Heritage Centre Bicester Heritage, Buckingham Road, Bicester, Oxfordshire OX27 8AL
For Sat Nav purposes please use OX26 5HA
Positive Note
To end on a positive note. Helmingham Hall Festival of Classic and Sports Cars have emailed me to say they are planning to hold this year’s event within relevant guidelines. See below;
August 1st 10am-5pm Helmingham Hall Festival of Classic and Sports Cars Sunday
I have also spoken with the Ox & Plough at Old Buckenham, they have said they intend to hold their Italian Car and Bike day again, dates etc to be arranged when the things are a bit clearer.
Classics at Glemham hope to be announcing their dates soon too!
Some of you may know three of us section members live in Debenham, sadly we never got all three cars together before Alfredo the red spider was sold and mine was out of the workshop! Still a little a fumbling with photoshop and this is what you could have been!
Keep fettling!