December Monthly News Letter

Hi All
I trust you are well.
The AGM in November saw 26 of us at the Old Ram at Tivetshall, as usual they made us most welcome. Web had some good idears and new venues suggested which is always good. Adrian and Clare Horne stepped down from the committee after many years’ service and support, both having been great section secretaries in the past, for that I thank them.. A 300hp Alpine and tweaked 5.0 Mustang are the current fleet so no space at the moment for an Alfa, they’re still in the club and we’ll see them about I’m sure. We then had two new committee members join Chris Galley, a serial Alfa owner and Juliette Crane, who has been working hard behind the scenes as the Section Secretaries Secretary since I took over the role but now has stepped up to an official role.
December saw 16 of us at the Old Kings Head at Brockdish for a fabulous Christmas meal, with a not a turkey in sight, all food is Italian and lovely it was as usual. Special commendation goes to Russell & Alison who came up from Tiptree and especially Tony and Chesca who endured a 170 mile round trip on a night of fog and -s temperatures!
As I write this in December for you to read in February, I hope you had a good Christmas and New Year and look forward to seeing you soon.
Monday 1st January, 11am Fish and Chips at Aldeburgh. Meet at the car park by
the Scollop, Thorpe Road Aldeburgh Suffolk
IP15 5BH Head clearing walk into Aldeburgh, then the famous Fish and Chips
on the beach!
Thursday 25th January 7pm The Four Horsehoes Inn, Wickham Rd, Thornham
Magna, Eye IP23 8HD. Our seasonal start to year to get things off to a start, good beer and food and a lovely log fire. Just remember to duck when required!