December Monthly News Letter

Hi All
I trust you are well.
November saw our annual AGM at The Old Ram Coaching in where 28 of us were ably looked after by Jan and the team. Lots of roast dinners and a good time was had by all!
Some of the newly arrived Section Merchandise was handed out, A new list of available items with images is attached as a word document with photos below after the event photos;
Then in December we had our Christmas Meal at Il Salvatore, on the night of Storm Darrah, all 20 of us made it to the restaurant. A fine meal was had by all, then the bill came! It was a bit old school, all on one long bill and we all had to work out what we had and how many of them and then do all our own adding up! Chaos ensued and not a very satisfactory ending. Fortunately it all just about tallied up!
I will send out full details of our exciting new section competition that runs through next year in a few days. Just sorting a few last details, get those cameras ready, you know what points make!!
As the section expands and all media are now being embraced Chesca Wort has joined the committee and will be contributing a lot to our social media platforms. Watch this space!
Wednesday 1st January, 11am Fish and Chips at Aldeburgh. Meet at the car park by the Scollop, Thorpe Road Aldeburgh Suffolk
IP15 5BH Head clearing walk into Aldeburgh, then the famous Fish and Chips on the beach!
Thursday 23rd January 7pm The Four Horseshoes Inn, Wickham Rd, Thornham Magna, Eye IP23 8HD
Our seasonal start to year to get things off to a start, good beer and food and a lovely log fire. Just remember to duck when required.
Tuesday 25th February, Monthly Meet, 7.00pm The Plough and Fleece, High Street, Horningsea, Cambs, CB25 9JG
I look forward to seeing you all soon.
AROC East Anglia section Secretary
AGM and lunch image below

my good self and committee member Tony in some of the new section merchandise

Juliette in a new section red polo shirt.
Christmas Meal at Il Salvatore below.