August News Update

Hi All
I trust you are all well.
Regarding this Saturdays’ Italian Car and Bike Day (details below) organised by the Ox and Plough, Old Buckenham, Norfolk NR17 1RN
They seem to have a fairly relaxed attitude to life! I suggest all those coming on Saturday bring a mask for any queues, loos and hand sanitizers etc. I intend to get their early and set up the club banner and try and get us a pitch where we can social distance a bit i.e. not right on top of the food stalls (they start at 12.30) as necessary. The pub does a number of large events during the year so I expect them to be up to speed, they tell me they are.
Italian Car and Bike Day on the 22nd August, 10am-7pm see links below;
Classics at Glemham – Sunday September 6th
If anyone else is interest in coming to Classics at Glemham you now have to book via their website as I have had to bulk buy our tickets.. For those that paid via me, I will be emailing out your tickets as I get them. They are fully Covid event compliant with lots of detail on their website.
If you book and pay through their website, be sure you say you want to display on the Alfa Romeo Owners Club East Anglia stand.
If you watch the video, you’ll see the club gets a good ‘mention’ and you’ll recognise a few faces.
I hope to see you all soon
Graham Simper
AROC East Anglia Section Secretary