AROC Racing at Race Retro

AROC again turned up at Race Retro this year in conjunction with the Classic Touring Car Racing Club.
Roz Shaw’s stunning Alfa Romeo GTAm shared the stand with our friends from the Classic Touring Car Racing Club who featured Mark Lucock’s immaculate Autoglym Post Historic Touring Car Championship Ford Escort Mk 1. Many thanks to both of them for the loan of their cars and for giving up so much of their time.
During the Friday afternoon an informal gathering was held for media representatives and other guests and we were particularly pleased that former Touring Car Champion Win Percy took time out of his busy schedule to visit the stand and chat with guests.
During the weekend it was good to see many members visit the stand and to receive a number of substantial queries about joining us. Many thanks to those who gave their time to help on the stand over the three days.