Advertise with the AROC
Advertise with the AROC
Web Site Advertising
aroc-uk.com has been establised for almost 20 years and, as well as attracting upwards of 8000 (distinct) vistors per month, it is usually amongst the top search results for “Alfa Romeo news” on popular search engines such as Google.
We are now able to offer banner advertising with a link directly to your website from each of our pages. Please contact the AROC manager, Nick Wright (manager@aroc-uk.com) for details of web site advertising rates.
Magazine Advertising
The AROC Magazine drops through some 4200 letterboxes of our members six times a year. Advertising in our publications is an ideal way to target this discerning audience. For further information about advertising in the AROC magazine, please contact the AROC manager, Nick Wright (manager@aroc-uk.com).
Directory Of Services
AROC’s Directory of Services has become an invaluable reference for its members since the first edition was published in 1997. The directory is now available online on this web site (click here). To request an entry in the AROC Directory of Services, please contact us, in the first instance, via the AROC manager Nick Wright (manager@aroc-uk.com).
You may wish to reach our members with your own brochure, catalogue or newsletter. AROC offer a mailing service to allow you to do just that. More information is available from the AROC manager, Nick Wright (manager@aroc-uk.com).