October Monthly News 2020

East Anglia
6 October 2020

Hi All

I hope you are keeping well.

Do you remember days like the one above, long hot sunny afternoons, when you could use your classic like your daily driver? Popping over to the parents, a trip out for the sake of going out for a drive, without a destination or reason? Roll on some fine dry weather, or Spring, whichever comes first!

Those that went to Southern Alfa Day made a good call as that may have been the last event for some time. Your committee can’t even meet in a pub as there are 7 of us!

Sadly I cant even report on todays (Sunday 4th October) HRDC Classic Alfa Challenge at Castle Combe as it was rained off.

As winter is drawing near, Autumn seems to have vanished, we go straight from summer to winter now it seems, the subject of the Pirelli zoom meeting on the – Wednesday 21st October 7pm 8pm; this month is winter tyres. Could also be a case of good timing! See links below, you need to register in advance, but it only takes but a moment!



We also have a couple of winter projects coming up for sale in Suffolk. If anyone is interested I can put you in touch with the seller. See the end of the email.

In the meantime stay safe and keep


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