November Monthly Newsletter & AGM 2020

East Anglia
11 November 2020

Hi All

I hope you are all well.

As we are now in November it is tradition for us to have our AGM, this year it will be a Zoom meeting (7pm on Thursday 26th November), see links and passwords etc at the bottom of the page. I hope as many of you as possible can join, we will be using the club Zoom account so no time or number of participants restrictions, just click the link and follow the instructions! You may find it easier to cut and paste the link into Google, have the id and password to hand just in case, you may also have to open video and microphone when you join. We will give abrief summary of past and future events though it is unlikely we will have much detail on future events but hopefully come a vaccine we will be able to get back to monthly meets and car shows. Though Phil does seem to find an endless sourse of small car meets going ahead!

I recently bought a collection of Alfa Related items at auction, this included old club magazines from 1973 to 1983.on scanning through them I discovered a number of things, we still visit a few of the same pubs at our monthly meets, the old chap who used to come in the gallery and tell of his daring do’s in his Alfas was in fact Paul O’Hanlon! Oops, but I  had never known his name or seen his photo before! We also you to have a Suffolk Jaunt, how marvellously spiffing! It even made the front cover of the December 1981 magazine!. Funnily enough Saxtead Mill is just up the road from me and I often stop for a photshoot! Though its now all white. Perhaps a Suffolk Drive should make a return visit!     

On a recent trip past Saxtead Mill, for essential building supplies, I stopped to fill up with petrol and on my walk back to the car I could see a pool developing under the engine and a steady  dripping from the engine, a quick digit test proved it was water and cool. When In got home I discovered the pipe from the top of the radiator to the expansion tank had been rubbing on the alternator cooling fan! I am glad it happened on such a short trip. While replacing with some pipe from ‘stock’ I also noticed the alternator belt is on the way out! Another lockdown job. One day I really must clean the engine bay too. ​ 

Hopefully we can catch up in cyber world on the 26th and in reality soon.

Look after yourselves and check your hoses!


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