New Forest Drive and Coffee

With Simply Italian at Beaulieu being postponed, we organised instead a New Forest drive and coffee on the morning of Sunday April 21st. A total of seventeen cars showed up with fifteen Alfas together with a couple of interlopers in the form of Mark Siney’s Lancia Fulvia and Timo Allison’s TR6 !
Within this seventeen were a significant number of classics which was nice given that it was the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs (FBHVC) “Drive It Day” where owners of classic cars are encouraged to get their cars out on the roads !
Having met up in Lyndhurst, we split the group roughly between classic and modern cars and set off in two convoys a few minutes apart for a scenic drive through the Forest eventually arriving at Exbury Gardens. The ample parking allowed us a line up a beautiful display of Alfas before we went off to sample the Coffee shop’s offering.
We were fortunate to have glorious sunny (if rather cool) weather for the event. Many thanks to everyone who turned out and especially to Stephen Paddock for planning the route and leading the classic car convoy and to Greg and Justyna Nicholas for acting as en-route photographers !