More six person meet ups during lockdown

We have held two more small meet ups over the past couple of weeks, each involving six members and their cars with one meet in the New Forest and one at Mudeford Quay. We have now held a total of six meetings involving a total of 22 Wessex members. The intent of these meet ups has been to try and maintain some degree of member engagement and momentum until we are able to fully restart our events calendar. We have been meeting in a suitable car park, with a picnic chair and some refreshments and had a socially distanced catch up for an hour or so (together with a little mutual Alfa admiration!).
In these most recent meetings, we have seen Stephen Paddock’s Guilietta for the first time and have also seen a couple of interesting non Alfas in the form of Graham Wood’s Maserati Biturbo Spyder and Campbell Sims’ Fiat Coupe.
We will continue to have these small meets periodically while the lockdown persists and we are unable to hold our normal events and meetings. Given that we can only have six individuals at each one of these it is obvious that not many members have had the opportunity to attend. By their nature, we cannot make individual meets open to everybody but there is no intent to exclude anyone so, if you would like to come to one of these (whether or not you have been before), please let me (David) know and I will invite you to one in the near future. Please let me know if you prefer a meet on a weekday morning, weekday evening, or weekend.