March Monthly Newsletter

East Anglia
3 March 2020

Hello All

If I have been a little slow responding I apologize but I cut through the phone line at home and after two weeks and the 6th visit by BT Openreach happening as I speak I hope to be up and running soon, though currently am without a phone line again!

Well done all those that made the February meet, photo below, 13 our lucky number it seems braved the threats of snow (didnt happen) and the A14 closure to have a good old natter about all sorts of subjects, food of various types was consumed!

Coming up we have;

March Monthly Meet, Wednesday 25th March,  7pm, The Old Ram Coaching Inn, Ipswich Road, Tivetshall St Mary, Norfolk, NR15 2DE an easy to find pub, its on the A140! Just a little south of Norwich, and has loads of parking.  Our first visit to this venue was last year and it proved very popular with all.

AprilSpring Alfa Day, Sunday 19th April, 9.30am Yorkshire Wildlife Park, Warning Tongue Lane,Doncaster DN46TB

April HRDC Classic Alfa Challenge, Sunday, 19th AprilSilverstone, Circuit, Silverstone Circuit,Towcester, Northamptonshire, NN12 8TN

April, 9th Gear, Sunday 26th April, Meet at Caxton Gibbet 10am for 10.30am depart with a Malcolm Map of Tulips diagrams to take us to Houghton Mill to meet up with the South Midlands section. Start; Costa Coffee or the car park! Caxton Gibbett, Cambridge CB23 3PE. Finish; Houghton Mill , Mill St, Houghton PE28 2AZ

May, Classic Car Bike and Lorry Show, Sunday 24th May  1pm till 10pm at the Ox and Plough The Green, Old Buckenham Norfolk,NR17 1R Englands largest village green, I have agreed with the organisers that all ages of Alfa are welcome.Its a fairly relaxed event with freedom to come and go as you wish. The pub organisers a number of similar events. There will be a BBQ Live music etc. See

 The Ipswich-Felixstowe historic vehicle run, which is an annual event run in early May. Is open to all vehicles registered on or before 30 April 1990. It costs £17, which goes to a good cause. They would love to see more AROC EA members there this year for its’ 50th event, if any of you are interested.

Entry is via the form linked to here: Deadline is 31 March, but best to enter ASAP as its popular and fills quickly.

I look forward to seeing you soon.


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