Manoir de L’automobile

This is a fabulous weekend and we understand that there is a big ‘classic car’ event in Loheac which will add atmosphere to our visit.
Hello Alfisti, If you fancy a great weekend in France read further ………. This is – out Friday night, back Sunday night but you can stay longer if you wish.
5th / 6th / 7th October 2012 Visit to Loheac France and the Manoir de L’automobile Museum.
This is a fabulous weekend and we understand that there is a big ‘classic car’ event in Loheac which will add atmosphere to our visit. The museum itself is an amazing secret which we discovered a few years ago. The size and number of the exhibits is just staggering, it has a cinema and even a F1 grid of cars. ( easily on par with Beaulieu )
The plan is to depart Portsmouth approx 8pm on Friday night (5th Oct), have an evening meal on board and sail to St. Malo. Arrive in St. Malo for Breakfast.
Drive across France using country roads to Loheac which is a lovely village approx 75 miles, stopping for coffee and arriving about 2 hours later. Loheac is a lovely village with the museum on the outskirts where we plan to spend the afternoon.
Late afternoon we will take a wonderful 40 minute drive, travelling west to Josselin where we plan to stay the night. Josselin is a medieval town with cobbled streets, restaurants and cafes and an enormous Chateau on the river. (Imagine the grand chateaux of the Loire and you have it.) We plan to stay opposite at the Hotel de Chateau for the night and stroll into town and have an evening ‘aperitif’ before choosing a place to eat. There is something for everyone and we can choose from pizzeria or gourmet depending upon what everyone wants.
Sunday – a relaxing start to the morning, explore the town or chateau and then Graham & Jacky Wood who know the area very well have promised us a Countryside drive out to a lunch time stop. After lunch it’s a dash for the port and a crossing to be home Sunday night ready for work on Monday. Caen works with us getting the ‘ferry’ back into Portsmouth for about 10.15pm. Those that want to stay an extra day or two, can choose to head for the south Brittany coast if they wish.
So are you interested ?………………
The costs here are approx. Ferry return Portsmouth – St Malo ( 20.15 – 08.15 ) with Cabin and return Caen to Portsmouth (17:30 – 22:15) £313.00 (2 adults, cabin & car) Accommodation for Saturday evening approx £75 per double room ( still to be confirmed and negotiated. ) Entry to the museum and food.
Initially this is being offer to the Wessex Section and then offered to a wider aroc audience.
Please register you interest.