June 2021 Meeting

On June 2nd, we were finally able to hold our first full Wessex Section meeting since February 2020 with a large contingent of Wessex members turning out for our meet at Mudeford Quay.
Although the warm sunny bank holiday weather didn’t quite hold out for us, we nevertheless had a dry, if grey and cool, evening on the coast. A total of 23 people showed up with 19 beautiful Alfa Romeos covering over a dozen different models and ranging in age from Gareth Firth’s 1972 GT Junior to Graham and Jackie Wood’s five week old Stelvio !
Our fleet of cars parked up in neat rows attracted many admiring looks from the many tourists and other visitors thronging a crowded and busy Mudeford.
Overall, we had a great evening catching up with old friends and we also welcomed a number of new and returning AROC members including Will Grafton, Marcus Havard, Ron Scott and Joss Townsend-Drake. Welcome to all !