June 09 Meet

A great line up for the annual Wessex BBQ at Mudeford Quay. Dave Kell with his Bertie, and Tim & Andrea Hope Frost's Sud Sprint gave us a nostalgic alfa line up, along with a good selection of 'moderns' including a 156 GTA, a brace of 159 sportwagons, the Scutts 147, Mark Simey's 156 selespeed and, of course, the Thames Motor Company's race support 145 cloverleaf.
To add a bit of diversity we were joined by the Steve Knight Alver (or was it a RovFa) 2000TC and the Grant Mazda MX 5 (Colin, a 3.0 GTV is an excellent idea!)
Nigel & Denise did a stirling job providing a never ending flow of Gluwien (for those not driving!), and some wonderful hot dogs with onions.
Although the evening did cool down (Fleeces required over the tee shirts & shorts) a great time was had with fantasic views over the water to the Isle of Wight watching the Motor Cruisers coming back to Christchurch Harbour, and watching the locals watching us enviously with our fine line up of alfas!!