January Newsletter

East Anglia
14 January 2022

Hi All.

I trust you are well and surviving in these difficult times and coped with the sudden change of plan that was Christmas, and the new lockdown.

Now firstly due to a clash of dates this months Zoom talk by Nick Wright is now on 26th January 7.30pm

Tuesday January 26th  7.30pm Nick Wright, gives a talk about his years attending the Abu Dahbi f1GP, I feel a saga coming!! Full Zoom data at the bottom of the page.

email grahamesimper@gmail.com for Zoom link

Wednesday 24th February 7.30pm ‘Lies, Damn Lies and Ballistics’ A powerpoint presentation and talk by Phil Gotts on his life in the ballistics industry, this should go with a bang! Zoom details below, full Zoom meeting details at the end of the bottom of the page;

email grahamesimper@gmail.com for Zoom link

I have a couple of requests from section members, one has the last 10 years of club magazines if anyone is interested, collect Witham or post at cost.

The second is after a boot hinge for a 939 Spider,  drivers side, or a pair, anyone got a set?

Now a salutary tale, if you are offered an Alfa Gift Horse, look deep into its mouth, I have heard a few sad stories recently about restoration projects. Under that shiny red paint, repairs of horrific quality hide!! Watch the video link, it may have been a guy like this that has worked on it!!. Prepare to be horrified, I thought the Blair Witch Project was scary! I know top quality restorations are expensive but there is a limit to how cheap one should go! Bless him for trying on a budget though…

I hope we can all meet again in sunnier times like the image of Classics at Glemham


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