January 2019 Meeting

We held our first meeting of 2019 on January 9th, throwing caution to the wind and meeting on the second Wednesday instead of our normal first Wednesday. We returned to the St Leonards Hotel but I can’t post yet another picture of the hotel, so here is a beer picture instead ! We had a good turnout gathered in our own little corner of a very crowded pub and we even talked briefly to the BMW club guys who were also meeting there. We welcomed new member, Jeremy Wale and look forward to seeing his recently acquired Alfasud TI. A meeting to plan out our Wessex events for 2019 and allocate responsibilities for organising individual events will be held on January 23rd. If you would like to participate in this and help organise one or more events this year and have not yet heard from me directly about the meeting, please contact me.
David Kell