Spider (Type 939) 2006 - Current
Graham Hardy
Rosso Red
My dream car
My brother has owned 2 Alfas and after attending a launch event of the new Spider in 2008 with him, I made the Spider my dream car. Practicalities meant that we could not really invest in such a vehicle not to mention the costs. However, 10 years on from that mind setting test drive, retired and experiencing, one might say, my mid life crisis, and dreams of owning a Spider come to the fore again. My wife had said NO with a firm foot. At least not until that garage is cleared and you can keep it safe and dry in there. Then I spotted "Rosa" on Autotrader. Yes, I'd looked at many over the years, but this one jumped out at me so, a gentle word with my wife and we arranged to go and inspect it at the garage in the midlands where it was for sale. We both fell in love with it and agreed a purchase price. A week later, we travelled down by train to the station nearest to the garage and was picked up by one of the garage staff and driven over to collect the car.
We had a fantastic drive via the back roads and over the moors back to Barnsley. And, no, I hadn't cleared the garage, that happened about a year later, but this car was for me.