Alfasud (Type 903) 1972-1989
Kevin Dark

Re-Spay number two
I had a cheap re-spray back in 1998 because the roof had gone pink. The car was not worth much back then . It was very shiny and looked fantastic from a distance but it wasn't the greatest around the edges, so this time I have gone for a good job.

National Alfa Day
I have owned the car for 31 years. I had it as my everyday car for the first two years and did 30K in that time. Since then it just goes to shows and does about 1K per year. The car has had one owner before me and I will never sell it, it is left to my son in my will.
Back in the 80s I always had a new Hot Hatch. A lot of my friends had Alfasuds I used to say why have you got that old rust pile of junk, until I drove one and I have been hooked ever since. Since then I have had lots of Alfas and Lancias .

My car would never win a concourse because it is not standard, I never set out to modify it but due to lack of new parts I have had to modify it. It is very difficult to find new parts for the car , a lot of the mechanical parts are still available but any interior or body parts are no longer available. You can by some of the parts second hand, but they are always in worse condition than what you already have.

I have upgraded and modified it a lot over the years. I always do something every year and probably will never stop.

The engine bay
I've done some modifications under here as well.

The car has worn quite a few awards even though I have never entered any