New Giulietta (Type 940) 2010 - 2020
Matt Mcnulty

Buying "Alf"
"Alf" is my first Alfa, a 2L JTDM Giulietta Speciale, which I bought in July 2023 (on a side note, this says that the owner is Matt - that's only because we have a family AROC membership which is in his name - but "Alf" is definitely all mine (Sarah) - bought and paid for, lol.
Having driven Mercs for a few years, I hadn't thought about owning an Alfa until my husband, Matt, bought his white 159 Sportwagen "Epic" (after having company cars for years). There was something about this Alfa that I loved ….. and it got me thinking! Around the same time, we had also joined the Alfa Romeo Owners Club and started attending the Derbyshire section meets and going to events with them. When I started having some issues with the Merc, it's days were numbered and I started to seriously look into getting my own Alfa. The Giulietta had always appealed, due to it's size and stunning looks so we started shopping and arranged to test drive one, so I could make sure it really was the car for me. The first one, a lovely little red 1.4 petrol was lovely but not quite gutsy enough for me (and a little over my price range) so I continued the search.....and then, I found him! That said, the purchase almost didn't happen, due to a few issues with the garage meaning that we almost pulled out but, in the end, we decided to go ahead and so "Alf" came home, to join our little Alfa family! A trip over to see Gareth at Northern Alfa Performance to give it a check over and a service, allayed any fears I had - he looked to be a good car and so, my Alfa ownership began!

One year on.....
One year on, I am very happy with my decision to get into Alfa ownership. The Giulietta is certainly much sportier and, as my husband said, more "chuckable" than my previous car and the monthly payments are cheaper as well (always a bonus!).
Last month, we had another trip to Northern Alfa Performance, for his annual service and MOT. All in all, not too bad. New rear discs and pads needed, which was to be expected anyway, so all good!
Longer term, he will need a bit of paintwork on the rear passenger side wheel arch and he has some peel on both wing mirrors but, nothing that can't be fixed (and will be). Other than those things (and the usual maintenance, of course), I am thinking of getting the wheels refurbed at some point soon (perhaps in graphite, to match the trim).
Over the last 12 months, we've attended a few events and meets in Alf, including the Derbyshire Section "Peak Run" and National Alfa Day, as well as a few of the monthly meets. I'm sure they will be many more to come!
Since then, we've added to our Alfa family again and are now the proud owners of "Bert" a 1965 Giulia Sprint GT. Work needed however, so not on the road yet but, an exciting project, nonetheless!