Pirelli Virtual Event

David Faithful
11 June 2020
Club News
We have been invited by our friends at Pirelli to a virtual event. 
Pirelli would like to invite Alfa Romeo Owners Club members to join them for a virtual event on Wednesday 1st July from 7pm to 8pm, hosted via Zoom.
Club members can enjoy a virtual tour of the Pirelli Performance Centre depot and a talk from a Pirelli Technical Expert, on getting back on the road as the lockdown restrictions ease and Pirelli’s “Perfect Fit” philosophy. There will also be a chance for a Q&A at the end of the session for members to ask any questions they may have.
Please see the AROC member forum for details of how to join the Zoom session. If you have any problems accessing the forum, please email manager@aroc-uk.com. You must be a paid up member of AROC to join this event.

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