December Magazine Report 2019

East Anglia
1 December 2019

AROC East Anglia Section Magazine Report

A lot has happened since magazine no 53/5 , its seems so long ago we last made print!

Continuing our busy summer we had our September Monthly Meet at the White Horse, Beyton near Bury St Edmunds. Another good turnout at this venue, with a few more items of merchandise sold!

October saw us at the Plough and Fleece in Horningsea just outside Cambridge. This one is always popular with our members from the west of the region with a healthy turn out well into double figures as usual.

November saw over 20 of us at a new venue for our AGM, The Edwardstone White Horse near Sudbury, a relaxed old place with the feel of a proper country pub. (rather than a London client aimed pastiche!) after lunch we had a fun quiz (with prizes!) set by Phil. There were some hilarious answers to questions we should have known the answers too! Half general knowledge and half car orientated, I was particularly pleased to recognise the chemical makeup of Semtex! Adrian and Clare won a bottle of fizz from the Ferrari restaurant, donated by Geoff and Vicky, Simon and Jo won a limited edition print from the Museo Storico donated by me, I’ll save the blushes of the winners of the tail end charlie prize of a section mug!

Our Christmas Meal was held funnily enough in early December, this year at the Old Kings Head at Brockdish near Diss, an old English pub that now exclusively serves Italian cuisine and a right rip roaring time we had, with subterfuge, smoke screens and some great acting by Jo, all to get a card secretly signed by everyone there to wish Peter and Sue a happy 50th wedding anniversary.

I’d like to end by thanking (yes I know you’ll be reading this in February!)all my fellow committee members for their efforts over the last year, especially Malcolm for the work he puts into venue testing and drive route plotting and for Simon for volunteering to join the committee without the need for arm twisting! Also all those section members who have made the group what it is. Expect to see the Alfetta out and about a lot more next year! Its slowly getting there.

Our February meet is at the The Plough, Green End, Fen Ditton, Cambs, CB5 8SX on Tuesday 25th February from 7pm

March we shall be at The Old Ram Coaching Inn, Ipswich Road, Tivetshall St Mary, Norfolk, NR15 2DE on Wednesday 25th March again from 7pm.

April is still in the planning stage but hopefully will be a meet up with East Mids Section on Sunday 26th April, venue TBC

Details will be on our facebook page, search AROC East Anglia, if you don’t get my monthly emails and would like to please email me at

I look forward to seeing soon

Graham Simper

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