March 2019 Meeting

6 March 2019

For our March meeting, we held an Alfa Romeo themed quiz evening organised and set by Peter Smart and Ian Brookfield.  We used the upstairs meeting room at the Elm Tree which, despite the main pub being crowded and noisy similar to last month, was quiet and peaceful and worked well.  The quiz was keenly fought and, in the end, the result was a tie between Ray Storey and Mark Siney.  Following a bit of head scratching, the following tie-breaker was quickly devised (with the help of Wikipedia !) :

    In what year did Nicola Romeo take control of the A.L.F.A. company ?

Mark’s answer was slightly closer to the correct year than Ray’s, so Mark was declared the winner and, given that he has now won two years in a row, is clearly the Alfa expert of the Wessex Section !

Congratulations to Mark and a big thank you to Peter and Ian for organising the quiz.

P.S. the answer is 1915

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